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Latest News > IBANB 2nd Annual Winterfest ~ hosted by the YBN

IBANB 2nd Annual Winterfest ~ hosted by the YBN

posted on Jan 12
Save the date! When? Wednesday, February 28, 2018 Who? ALL IBANB members are encouraged to attend Where? Mactaquac Golf Lodge, NB


The day’s event will begin with registration at 9:30 am. Education, Snowshoeing, Cross-country skiing, Skating, Sliding or even relaxing by the fire in the lodge – this day has it all. 

Once again, this event is open to all IBANB members, as well as, insurance company representatives, suppliers and adjusters! The IBANB are encouraging all members who attend to please bring another broker from their office to engage them in this all-important networking event.

Please note that while all of the above activities are available, you must bring your own skates and slide. There are limited supplies of snowshoes and skis; we ask that if you have your own, please bring them with you.